Day 20: A 4000-Word Story About the Circle of Life

Special thanks to public members of City of Darebin for the inspiring “art installation”. Seriously folks, return the bloody trolleys already!!

Day 19: How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in Record Time

When we bought our house a couple of years ago, we already had credit card debt, two car loans and a margin loan (shares investment loan). We estimated that it would take 10 years to pay off the mortgage and other debts. However, with aggressive lifestyle adjustments we have been doing in the past 1.5 … Continue reading

Day 18: Why You Should Visit New Zealand

New Zealand has a lot to offer to the rest of the world. However, being a small country in a middle of Pacific Ocean means some people only knew about its existence after watching Lord of the Rings movies. I’m not going to talk much about its culture, people, lifestyle because I find them quite … Continue reading

Day 17: Valentine on Vulcan

On the second day, we marked the hilly areas as the no-go zones for the sake of my husband’s sanity. No, it was me who whinged a lot. If there was a painful part of holiday, that would be the obligatory souvenir acquisition for people at home. You can’t buy another cheap looking key ring … Continue reading

Day 16: Off to Middle Earth We Go

After four months of careful planning, my beloved and I went on our New Zealand holiday last Saturday. Atypically I didn’t feel much excitement for the trip. Maybe it’s partly due to my excessive reading on travel books about this beautiful country prior to the trip. It felt like I already accomplished it in my … Continue reading

Day 15: Leah Cim in Ogling Ron Mueck’s Sculptures

Where to look when a naked man lies on the floor? Where not to look? Flat on his back, his head points toward the entrance, so the approaching, fully-clothed, onlookers arrive from above. Look at his grey hair, flowing backwards under gravity’s direction, a hint of nose, and bare, pale grey shoulders. But how close … Continue reading

Day 14: The February Purge Challenge

After a month of philosophising, I decided to get off the chair and do the hard stuff, the real work, the hard yakka! Now, I’m not going to give up the luxury of being an armchair life commentator completely, I just need to do something outside my comfort zone and see some real results. Thinking … Continue reading

Day 13: Will You Be Missed When You’re Gone?

A few days ago, I listened to Seth Godin’s interview on Untemplater about his entrepreneurial endeavour. It is interesting how he reminded Jun about dozens of his past failures which have been dwarfed by his successes. True to his style, Seth provided sharp and inspirational advice to his audience. While his advice about being passionate … Continue reading